Many of you have said I should start a blog about this whole moving to China experience, so, that is, along with Sparkles and Onyx, with a little input from Mike and Olivia, what I am doing. It could get messy as the computer and I are not the closest of friends but I will try.
We have kind of known since last summer that we might end up in China so when it finally came about it was almost anticlimactic. Then, we had to keep it secret for so long we had time to let it sink in without the million questions that have come along since. I have typed the same information so many times to family and friends it does make sense to put it down in one place.
Sparkles and Onyx are blissfully unaware they will be spending a month in solitary confinement. At least I hope it is solitary as they do not really get along. Onyx would love to run and romp with Sparkles, however, Sparkles would rather just hiss and spit at her. I am not really sure what they do with the cats in China (not make dinner!!) but they do have to get through a month of quarantine. I hope they can't send them back to the US after getting them all the way there:( Several people have asked if we have question...."Are you taking them with you?" One lady in my quilt group just shook her head.......Mike says they are trying to teach the people that Westerners (that would be us) consider these furry creatures as loving members of the family, not as a possible first course. I hope they remember us after we get back together.
As for us I have spent the better part of the last two weeks getting medical stuff done and gathering records. Many things you have to do to live in China versus just going for a visit. Olivia had to have a physical for the school she wants to go to and Mike and I do just to go, oh such fun.
I feel like I am rambling so I will post pictures when I figure out how of the school. Meanwhile if you are interested go to , it looks like an amazing place.
Hope you figure out how to post pictures - it would be great to see what you are experiencing in China once you get there. Good luck!!