They say it doesn't snow in Beijing.
So what then it this white stuff we woke up to today? And what is the stuff that was flying around in the air about 3:00 this afternoon? We call it snow where I grew up!
Out our front gate at 6:30 AM.
Off the back side of the house, second floor balcony.
Out the front balcony window, the light fixture on our wall. We call that snow:)
From the third floor window into the back yard. That thing on the right is our barbecue.

This is about three inches of water on the second floor balcony. It is sitting there because the willow leaves have blocked the drain pipe. It is cold water, very cold water...see the snow around the edge of the railing base? Also blobs of snow kept falling off the roof into this water. These houses leak where ever they can so I was a bit worried that if the water sat there too long it would start to seep in.....I had to go out there with the broom and use the handle to clear out the drain pipe........That is how I know it is cold, cold, cold water, I do not own rubber boots.
And these beautiful roses are what I picked from my yard three days ago.
Love, fondly, sincerely,
I would agree that is definitely snow! Almost hoping we get some this year, I imagine Alex will up in them there hills.