And then there should be no more!
I left you with the last snow picture of my friends car in her driveway. I realized we needed to get going as she was substitute teaching that day in the High School. I stuck my head in her door to let her know I was there and proceeded to clean off the car......with a broom, then she came out with a long handled squeegee. Which broke with the first swipe at the was old so not to be unexpected, the plastic just couldn't handle it (no pun intended)! We got it cleaned off and got to the school with plenty of time. It was Wednesday, my day to play at the Elementary library. Since I have no scheduled time to be there I decided to wander about and take more campus pictures and get some of the beautiful blue sky too. By the time I left the school at 3:15 it was all but gone except in the shady recesses.

This is a table and chairs outside the High School where people can eat or study or, maybe not today with the bamboo falling over the top of it.
A beautiful pagoda with a drum just before you go over the bridge to the other side of the campus.
Starting across the pond, the boardwalks and the aerator.
Close up and personal on the aerator.
and Left
view as I cross over the bridge.
All the buildings you see in these two pics belong to WAB.
In case anyone falls into the nasty, nasty water and someone else is around to rescue them!
At each end of the bridge these traditional arches. In the middle of the bridge is a pagoda which you can see in the previous post of the school
Student sculptures abound on the campus.
Another pagoda, this one with a bell.

A path towards the Middle School I had never been down before and would not have taken this day but for the fact that I found a friend of mine back in the bushes by the pagoda taking pictures as well. She is from Australia and had not seen snow like this before...this is her last winter in Beijing, she goes to Singapore at the end of the school year.
The weighted bamboo encroaching on the path. Beware travelers, it is melting rapidly and dropping on passersby in large, cold, wet blobs.
The Middle School. It used to house the High School as well. They hope to replace it in the future. It was built as a temporary structure and is wearing out is welcome. The library had a major leakage problem last spring.
A direct entrance to the Library at the Middle School.
Morning Afternoon
Same athletic field a few hours difference.
Same tree next to the athletic field.
The courtyard outside the Elementary library.
Perhaps you wouldn't get so wet now.
Just so pretty, just such an amazing campus. Wish you could all come and see it for yourselves. We have plenty of room and your own private bath!!
Love, fondly, sincerely,